Thanks for using FinderXtender. FinderXtender is a System Extension for the Finder 7. It gives powerful folder management function to your Finder. You can directly open specific folder or System related folders without opening multiple windows. FinderXtender universal launcher can open any kinds of Application, Deskaccessary, Control Panel and Documents.
Enjoy !!
Kim, Sung Jong.
Copyright and Registration
FinderXtender is a PostcardWare. If you like this program, please send a picture postcard to me.
Kim, SungJong.
#172, Hyundai Villa 4-101
Sangil-Dong, Kangdong-Gu,
You can send bug report by CompuServe.
CompuServe ID: 100050,1243
Distribution Note
You can distribute this software through electric bulletin board system or other media. When you distribute this software, please include this user manual.
FinderXtender is a System 7 Extension. It does not run on the System 6. Please check your System version first.
Drag FinderXtender file on the System Folder and release mouse button. FinderXtender may be automatically installed. After installation, restart your system.
If FinderXtender successfully installed, FinderXtender icon menu appears on the Finder menubar.
Version History
1993.7.20. Release FinderXtender 1.0 to 1.5
Add universal opener.
Add instant folder opener.
1993.8.4. Release FinderXtender 1.5 to 1.6
Fix NowMenu 4.0 problems.
Add new folder popup menu.
1993.10.19. Release FinderXtender 1.6 to 1.7.
Add new “Applications” menu.
Add “Applications” popup menu.
Disable “Desktop Cleanup” menu item.
Add “Startup Items” and “Preferences” folder items.
Fix folder & application installation problems.
Closing All Finder Windows
To close all Finder windows, choose "Close All" from the FinderXtender menu.
Universal Opener
To open Applications, DAs, ControlPanels or Documents, choose opener... from the FinderXtender menu. A standard file dialog box may appear. Double-clicking the name of an application, DAs or Control Panel in the list launch it. If you want to open a folder, choose the name of the folder and press "Open it" button.
Instant Folder Opener
To install folders, choose "Install it" from the Folder item submenu. A standard file dialog box may appear. Click the name of the folder you want. Click the "Install" button to install the folder in the submenu.
To open installed folder, choose folder name from the Folder item submenu or pressed popup menu modifiers keys and press mouse button (See FinderXtender Preference).
To remove installed folder, choose folder name while press Option key.
Instant Application Opener
To install application programs or Deskaccessaries, choose "Install Application..." from the “Applications” item submenu. A standard file dialog box may appear. Click the name of the application or DA you want. Click the "Install" button to install the folder in the submenu.
To open installed apllications, choose folder name from the Application item submenu or pressed popup menu modifiers keys and press mouse button (See FinderXtender Preference).
Open System related folders
To open System suitcase, choose "System suitcase" from the FinderXtender menu. To choose System related folders, choose System Folder, Apple Menu Items, Control Panel, Extensions, Fonts, Startup Items or Preferences from the FinderXtender menu.
Open Control Panel files
To open Control Panel file, choose Control Panel item from the Control Panel submenu.
Select Finder Window
To select opened Finder window, choose window name from the FinderXtender menu. The selected window may appear in front of other windows.
FinderXtender Preference
If you want to change default settings, choose "Preference..." from the FinderXtender menu. A preference dialog box may appear. The change takes effect when the Macintosh restarts except modifier key settings.